Ways to Use Cannabis Oil – Canada Online Dispensaries

5 Ways to Use Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil is used in various creative ways and is quickly becoming a popular delivery method for both new and seasoned cannabis users. Here are 5 ways to use Cannabis oil you can try.

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Ways to Use Cannabis Oil

  1. Ingest Orally

You can ingest CBD oil orally either using a dropper or through a capsule. Each user experiences cannabis differently, therefore, it is important to control your intake and increase your dose according to your tolerance and personal comfort levels. For this reason, you can safely ingest CBD oil and start slowly with 5mg to 10mg. CBD oil is typically ingested by dropping the oil underneath your tongue. On the other hand, some cannabis users prefer to ingest a capsule to have more control over their intake.

  1. Mix it with Lotion or use a Topical Made with CB Oil

You can add a few drops of cannabis oil to your favorite lotion to ease pain and discomfort in your joints. Also, CBD oil can help mitigate discomfort from eczema or psoriasis. You can also buy a pre-made topical.

  1. Mix it with Your Coffee

Adding a drop of CBD oil to your coffee can help decrease anxiety and stress throughout the day. Compared to other methods, only add as much as you know your body can handle. Since CBD oil is non-psychoactive, you won’t experience a feeling of being high.

  1. Bake With It

CBD oil is versatile, they can add it to sweet or savory dishes without drastically changing the flavor. When using it to cook, monitor the heat, make sure not to apply it directly to high heat as it could affect its potency. Consequently, CBD oil degrades to above 255°F.

  1. Use a Cannabis Oil Vaporizer

CBD oil can be used in vaporizers specifically made with oil cartridges that can be purchased and reloaded.

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