When buying weed in large quantities, not only do you save more money per gram, but you also have more options to use your marijuana buds. Whether you are cooking with cannabis or you’re just want to make a few batches of marijuana concentrates, our bulk deals should live up to your expectations. We offer high-quality marijuana flowers and extracts in quantities between 4,8,and 16 ounces including indica, sativa, and hybrid strains.
Death Star is the potent cross of Sensi Star and Sour Diesel. It has a mixed taste that combines sweet, skunk, and fuel aromas into a very potent fragrance that isn’t easy to hide. This strain may not have the ability to destroy planets, but it does have quite the powerful buzz. Effects can be slow to onset, but once they do, Death Star takes away all cares and replaces them with a state of relaxed euphoria. Great for daytime or nighttime use, this Ohio native now has fans throughout the galaxy.
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